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GPU usage information for jobs in IBM Spectrum LSF

In my last blog, we ran through an example showing how IBM Spectrum LSF now automatically detects the presence of NVIDIA GPUs on hosts in the cluster and performs the necessary configuration of the scheduler automatically.

A hands-on look at GPU "autoconfig" in IBM Spectrum LSF

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted to my goulash blog. I’ve not disappeared, rather I’ve been writing articles for the IBM Accelerated Insights solution channel on HPCWire.

Standing up a IBM Spectrum LSF Community Edition cluster on Arm v8

So, you’ve got yourself a shiny new (or maybe not) system based upon a 64-bit Arm (Arm v8) processor that you want to put through it’s paces.

SC16: Stir it up!

It’s been ages since I’ve posted to this blog. I’ve not forgotten about it - I’ve been figuratively stirring the technical computing goulash pot over on the IBM Systems In the Making blog.

IBM Platform LSF and Docker: A Whale of a time!

Containers are useful. Whether you’re shipping things across the blue seas or encapsulating applications on a computer system, they provide numerous benefits. HPC Administrators will know that applications today can depend upon multiple packages, libraries and environments.

Armed and ready with IBM Platform LSF

These days it’s not uncommon to hear about CPUs based upon ARM cores. They can be found in mobile phones, embedded systems, laptops and even servers.